Driveri Release 8/13/2021

Here’s what’s new for Driveri!

Click the following link for the below release notes with screenshots: Driveri Release Notes 8-13-2021

What’s New
  1. Overall look and feel of App is changed.
  2. Added support for installation report upload in background even if Installer is not using the App.
  3. Verify Driveri GPS using phone’s GPS Accuracy – App will upload latitude, longitude, and accuracy (in meters) obtained from phone as part of installation report. The same will be logged in the Mixpanel as well.
  4. Added support for searching uploaded installation reports by Device ID, VIN, Vehicle Number, and License Plate.
  5. App will allow installers to proceed with installation even if device is not in SHIPPED_ACTIVE or INSTALLED state.
  6. Added iPad support for Installer App.
  7. Added Online Help and FAQ.
  8. App will encrypt PII information and authentication tokens stored in local storage.
  9. VIN validation logic has been changed to apply check digit validation only for US.

    Decode VIN option will be available only in US.

  10. App will display latitude-longitude coordinates obtained from Driveri if it is not able to reverse geocode coordinates due to non-availability of Internet connection.
  11. Report upload confirmation message has been changed. We have added two options in Report Upload confirmation dialog.
    • Disconnect from Driveri
    • Check camera stream
  12. App will pre-populate VIN and CAN Bus related fields in installation report, if these are available from Driveri as part of OBD Diagnostic response.
  13. Installer name in installation report – App will not auto-populate name from login and since this is a mandatory field in installation report, installer will have to enter it before uploading the report. However, Installers will have to enter the name only once and app will persist it for next installs.
  14. App will not allow scanning QR codes for VIN.
UX Updates

The following UX updates were implemented to replace the Installer App SOP.

  1. App displays a permissions screen on launch to enable user to grant all necessary permissions before using the App. This is a one-time action for the users unless they revoke certain permissions later from phone settings.
  2. Power reboot Driveri before Connection – For Driveri devices on version 0.4.4, App will prompt installers to power reboot Driveri before attempting the connection.
  3. Connection flow – Connection flow UX has been updated to make it intuitive.
    1. The flow has been divided into two steps:
      – Bluetooth Connection
      – Wi-Fi connection
    2. App now shows troubleshooting tips when connection fails.
  4. Diagnostics
    1. App runs diagnostics once connected with the Driveri Device.
    2. If any of the checks fail, App will retry automatically after 30 seconds.
    3. Retry button is displayed to enable Installers to re-run diagnostics, if required.
    4. Apps shows troubleshooting text for FAN, SIM, SD Card, and GPS.
    5. If any of the checks fail three times, App prompts Installers to raise a replace device request.
  5. Driveri version selection when there is no Internet connection
    1. Version options have been reduced to 0.4.4 to 0.5.6, 0.5.7, and later.
    2. Added ‘I do not know’ option, which defaults to 0.4.4 to 0.5.6.
    3. Device’s factory flashed with 0.5.7 will have factory flash OTA in the QR code. For these devices, App will read version from QR code and skip this screen altogether.
  6. Vehicle class type hint for Amazon Installations – Added a mapping of vehicle class types to vehicle models in installation report.