We’re sorry to hear your GPS unit is having technical issues. To assist our Support team in resolving the issue and getting your device reporting again, please follow the steps below.
Drive the vehicle.
Please confirm that the vehicle has recently or is currently being operated. If not, please take a moment to drive the vehicle within an area that is known to have good cellular reception.
Perform a visual inspection.
Please have the person driving the vehicle identify the following:
- That the device is still securely installed.
- That there are no objects resting on the top of the vehicle’s dash.
- That there are no blown fuses in the vehicle’s electrical box.
Run the Activity Detail Report.
After you have confirmed that the vehicle is or has been in operation, log into the Fleet Tracking Portal, and run an Activity Detail Report for the vehicle in question.
Analyze the report.
A. No data available
Possible problem: Power or Antenna Issue
B. Only heartbeats with correct location data
Possible problem: Ignition detection issue
C. Ignition On/Off activity, but GPS location remains the same.
Possible problem: Unit placement issue
Prepare to contact Support.
Please have the vehicle label or the device’s 10 digit serial number readily available.
Vehicle Label: _______________________________ (as it appears in the Fleet Tracking Portal)
GPS Device #: _______________________________Who will troubleshoot?
A. Your Mechanic/Technician
If you plan to disassemble the dash and work with the Support representative to fully resolve the issue, please bring spare hardware and voltmeter with you. If you want assistance with the troubleshoot, you can book an appointment with our third-party installation partner: Techsbook
B. Certified Preferred Installer
If you plan to have a Wex Telematics preferred installer perform the troubleshooting, please have the physical address of the location where the troubleshooting will take place:
Onsite Contact Name: ___________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________
Email: ________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
City: ________________________________________________
State: _______________________________________________
Zip: _________________________________________________
Contact Support.
Contact Support. Using the information you provide us, we will do our best to resolve the issue.